The First Two Weekends in June!
June 5-7 & 12-14, 2025 | 12-8pm
Lakeshore HBA Parade of Homes BUILDER REGISTRATION- (2024 below)
Ready to have your homes showcased in this season’s Parade of Homes? Review the information below!
Click Here to Enter a Home
…You will then be prompted to create a one-time login profile. This will help you edit your own company profile that Parade guests will see. As you proceed with entering, your information will auto-save, so you may return later to complete. You will receive a notification checklist on what information is still needed every time you log in. Once all information is entered, you will be prompted to submit the entry.
Note: All entries include 15 professional photos with rights, listing in the official Guidebook ($1,975+ value) and advertising/promotion + exposure!
YOUR HOME DOES NOT NEED TO BE COMPLETE TO BE SUBMITTED. YOU WILL SUBMIT HOME DETAILS AND A RENDERING OF THE HOME ONLY. * Builders will need to provide a high-resolution rendering of the home that will be the main photo of the home on the entry page in the Official Parade of Homes Guide Book. You may use whoever you wish to complete this rendering. If you do not have a rendering artist, we recommend Lakeshore HBA member, Steve Nyhof Designs.
If you do not have the rendering ready you may submit your entry along with the deposit and return later to complete, but the rendering is due by April 5. The home rendering will be the only image of the home in the Guide Book (exception for remodel entry before/after photos). However, professional images taken by the HBA assigned photographer will be displayed on the HBA website. These photos are taken closer to event date.
After selecting optional add-ons, a total will be shown in your cart for reference, but payments must be submitted directly to the HBA via check or via email using the hard copy payment page. The entry payment form must be submitted via email to admin@lakeshorehba.com or in-person to the Lakeshore HBA.
If you would like to set up a time to complete with an HBA staff member in-person or over the phone, please contact us prior to the deadlines.
March 22 | Regular Rate Deadline (EXTENDED TO MARCH 31!)
April 5 | Late Rate Deadline *All home information due + late fee will apply
• First time Parade builders receive 10% off their entry (and the option of being paired with a Parade mentor/builder)
• Non-Member Parade Home builders may join as a new member for $300 off membership if their membership is paid at the time of Parade entry payment.
What We Need from YOU…
1- Online entry (along with home rendering- see above) due by March 22, 2024.
2- Payment by check or hard copy payment page (if paying by credit card- processing fees apply).
$500 refundable deposit required at time of entry. Full payment must be received by March 22, 2024. Deposit is refundable until March 22.
3- Please Review, Initial and Return Page 2 of the Requirements, Rules and Regulations Builder Agreement by March 22.
4- Complete the Trade Partner Form (or this may be completed online via the online entry form- you do not need to complete both) by April 5.
5- Turn in the Homeowner Agreement by April 5.
6- Email proof of liability insurance with "Lakeshore HBA" as additional insured on policy (one million) to Admin@Lakeshorehba.com.
General Pricing Information:
(for homes entered by the EXTENDED, MARCH 31st deadline. Please refer to the Hard Copy Payment Page for details including late entry rates.)
- NEW HOME ENTRY: $1,975 (includes 15 professional photos)
- NEW HOME ENTRY (2nd home +): $1,575 (includes 15 professional photos)
- *NEW: PACKAGE DEAL (UNLIMITED HOME ENTRIES): $4,550 (includes 15 professional photos for all home entries)
- REMODEL: $1,575 (includes 15 professional photos)
*Guidebook photos may include before photos along with "after"- professional photos.
*Minimum 50% of the home renovated (full floor or multiple rooms) - VIRTUAL HOME ENTRY: $1,575 (includes 15 professional photos plus a Matterport virtual walk-through- $400 value!)
HBA members in ONLY* the Lakeshore HBA Parade may receive special builder-approved "fun" at their home that may increase attendance and will receive additional advertising/promotion.
10% discount for first-time Parade builders. *Not applicable on package pricing entry.
HBA membership is $655 annually and includes membership to the HBA of Michigan and National Association of Home Builders. Non-Member Parade Home builders may join as a new member for $300 off (only $355!) if their membership is paid at the time of Parade entry payment. OR, are you 45 years old or younger? Call us about our "Young Professional" new member rate at 616.392.6233.
Volunteer staffing {limited availability} available (contact the HBA) or staffing by HBA supplier is highly encouraged
Additional photo/video options available for add-on
Parade Builder Discounts: CLICK HERE
Parade of Homes Tool-Kit Graphics: STAY TUNED here for these below! These images are emailed to confirmed Parade builders.
- Social Media Post
- Social Media Story
- Facebook Cover
- Giveaway
Parade Advertising Opportunities:
Do you want to reach thousands interested in building or renovating their homes? The Parade's Official GUIDE BOOK and website are available online during and post-Parade.
Parade Builders may upgrade to a 2-page spread (value $3,225!) for just $400. This would include a full page listing (instead of the included 1/2 page) plus full page ad (on the other side of the spread- making it an impactful, 2 page open spread) with some flexibility on the maximum word count. They may use the full page listing to increase their description and/or to incorporate a company tagline, an additional image, or article.
Builders, not in the Parade this year? Click Here to view Guide Pricing and Specs.
View previous Parade Guide Here.
FEATURED BUILDER SPONSORSHIP (4- current. 2- after Parade until 2025): $500
Builder company will be featured on the homepage of the event's official website,
www.LakeshoreParadeofHomes.com, under a "Featured Builder" headline with photo/video and link to the company website the first or second weekend of the event. Featured Builder company will also be shared with an ad/video or interview on the Parade of Homes facebook event page with over 3,000 followers.
Limited to four builders during the event (two the first weekend and two the second weekend). Builders may choose to be a Featured Builder (limited to two) after the Parade for $500 and this will stay on the Parade website following the 2024 Parade until 2025.
Call our office at 616.392.6233 or email Admin@Lakeshoreba.com to register to be a Featured Builder.